SAP India – Goods and Service Tax (GST)

SAP India customers and partners have received the welcomed assurance from the company with regard to Goods and Service Tax (GST). The plan laid out by SAP ensures a high level of transparency and management functionalities for Indian companies. The recent changes to tax legislations in India mean SAP India are under demand to keep up with the evolving amendments.

 So what changes can you expect?

  • SAP  aim to provide a common infrastructure and services for companies which will include controlled document and file management.
  • Bridging the gap between tax payers and tax administrators to ensure a smooth transition
  • Creating standardised settings which are to be implemented as common GST solutions for corporates.

Thanks to the advancements by SAP, Indian enterprises are now able to embrace the new GST without the fear of disruption to their business. A perfect example of where not only does society have to constantly adapt to evolving technology,  but vice versa.